Mastodon Glitch Edition

App settings

glitch-soc provides an App Settings modal to allow users to personalize the glitch-soc frontend. This modal is accessible by clicking the “cogs” icon above the compose window, or from the Getting Started menu.

The settings made available by this modal are as follows:



Name Description
Reply count Display an estimate of the reply count
High color privacy icons Display privacy icons in bright and easily distinguishable colors
Tag misleading links Add a visual indication with the link target host to every link not mentioning it explicitly

Rewrite mentions

Rewrite mentions in displayed statuses

Do not rewrite mentions
Rewrite with username and domain (when the account is remote)
Rewrite with username

Notifications options

Name Description
Unread notifications badge Display a badge for unread notifications in the column icons when the notifications column isn’t open
Unread notifications favicon badge Add a badge for unread notifications to the favicon

Toot icons

Language indicator
Reply indicator
Local-only indicator
Media and poll indicators
Toot privacy indicators


Name Description
Layout Automatically find the most suitable layout, enforce Desktop mode or enforce Mobile mode.
Wide view Stretches columns to better fill the available space. This setting only has an effect in Desktop mode.

Compose box


Name Description
Content warning Add ability to always show content warnings, prepend “re:” to content warnings when replying
Replies Pre-select usernames when replying to multiple people
Confirmations Show confirmation dialogs before sending toots lacking media descriptions or overwriting the message being composed
Content type Show a content-type choice when authoring toots
Secondary toot button Add a secondary toot button in order to quickly post toots using the specified alternate privacy setting.
When replying to a toot Change the behavior of the secondary toot button when replying to a toot. It can be set to keep the privacy value set above, copy that of the toot being replied to, or select the strictest privacy setting between the default one and that of the toot being replied to.

Content warnings


Name Description
Show/hide content of all copies at once Reproduce upstream Mastodon behavior by having the Content Warning button affect all copies of a post at once. This will prevent automatic collapsing of any copy of a toot with unfolded CW
Display media attachments outside content warnings Reproduce upstream Mastodon behavior by having the Content Warning toggle not affect media attachments
Content warnings to not automatically unfold Specify a regular expression for content warnings that should not be automatically unfolded

Collapsed toots


Name Description
Enable collapsed toots Enables collapsible toot functionality.
Show action buttons in collapsed toots  

Automatic collapsing

Name Description
Everything Every toot will be automatically collapsed when it first appears on the screen.
Notifications Favourite and boost notifications (but not mentions) will be collapsed in the Notifications column.
Lengthy toots Toots taller than 400px (or 650px with media) will be automatically collapsed.
Replies Any toot which is replying to another toot, including self-replies, will be collapsed when it appears onscreen.
Boosts Any boost will be automatically collapsed.
Toots with media Toots containing media (images, videos) will be automatically collapsed.

Image backgrounds

Name Description
Give collapsed toots an image background Toots which have been collapsed will be given a background reflecting the poster’s header image.
Preview collapsed toot media If a toot contains media (and that media is not hidden behind a CW or sensitive content marker), a preview of the media will be set as the toot’s background.



Name Description
Letterbox media Wide images and videos will be displayed in full, with black bars at the top and bottom, as opposed to zoomed-in.
Full-width media Images and videos will span the entire column width, as opposed to being confined to the text width.
Inline preview cards Inline preview cards for external links
Reveal sensitive media Reveal sensitive media behind a CW by default
Pop-in player Enable a pop-in player and choose its position